It will work for you



TEXT: Romans 8:28

‘Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’

TOPIC: It will work for you

No situation or circumstances can hinder God from accomplishing his purpose in your life provided you are a believer who loves God.God is always a step ahead. It is only humans that things meet unaware, nothing meets God unaware and no emergency in his dictionary .

     No situation is big enough to cripple God. Whatever the situation or circumstances you may have found yourself , just trust in God that it is working for you. God is ever in charge of the universe and he knows exactly what to do in order to fix what is broken and replace it with what is better for those that love him and align with his purpose.

Action point: it will work for you if you love God

Prayer: Father help me to know that you are in working in that situation for my good.


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