Be thankful



TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

TOPIC: Be thankful

Thankfulness is a state of the heart. It is natural to thank God when things are good and rosy for you. It is unusual and very rare to show gratitude when things are bad and did not go our way.

In today’s text, God demands that we should be thankful in all circumstances . When it is good, thank God and when it is bad , still thank God. Thankfulness is an attitude that should be inculcated as believers. Knowing fully that good times and what we called “bad times” cannot hinder God from accomplishing his purpose in our lives. Whatever your lot in life, choose to thank God because he knows the best for you and everything is turning around for your favour.

Action point : Thank God at all times

Prayer: Father help me to cultivate attitude of praising you in all circumstances in Jesus name.


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