
Showing posts from September, 2019
2nd January ,2020 Topic: Enquire it from the Lord Text: 1 Samuel 30:1-8 Golden Text: and David enquired of the Lord    A man's relative was sick so he traveled to take him to a hospital where he will be treated. After he had done all the necessary, while coming he was involved in a ghastly accident that almost claimed his life. While on the hospital bed he recalled his mistake that he did not ask God before embarking on his journey because of the sympathy and love he had for his relative.     Sometimes we acted like the man in this story, when we find ourselves in a pathetic situation, instead of asking God for the next step we act. David had lost everything he labored to gather in life, his associates were at the verge of stoning him to death but yet in the midst of all these, he was still patient enough not to act accordingly to his emotions and impulse. David enquired from his God. Whatever the situation you will find yourself in this new year, take your time to enquire fro
Wednesday 1st January, 2020 Topic: Another new year Text: Luke13:1-9 Golden Text: ... Leave it alone for one more year. Luke 13:8   A story was told of a young man who was fond of making commitment of giving his life to Christ every new year but before the end of January he would have found himself in his old sins. And when this happened, he will encourage himself by saying I will repent next year. But on the 31st of December of a particular year, he had a revelation where he saw Christ himself telling him that you have another year to repent or else he would end up in hell. He woke up and he remembered how he has been postponing his salvation to another year and eventually he finally gave his life to Christ.    This is another year for you to get it right with God by repenting from every old sin. Each new year is a fresh opportunity to make it right with your God. Have you wasted the previous years living in sins, this is another new year for you to repent because you don't k