TEXT: Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice'

TOPIC: Rejoice

The word ‘Rejoice’ appeared six times in the book of Philippians. Apostle Paul was imprisoned , awaiting trial when he penned this epistle . It was categorised as one of the prison epistles and it was one of the finest epistles written. In his terrible state, he found joy in the Lord and was still hopeful that regardless of the persecution, the church will stand.

Tough times will always come but tough people who have found joy in the LORD will overcome. Tough times are like wind storms with strength to throw people away from Gods presence except they are deeply rooted in Christ and determined in their minds to abide still in him. To rejoice is a choice. Choose to be happy at all times by making constant efforts to seek God at all times even when it appears that you cant even see him in the your darkest night. When you rejoice at all times, you have put the enemy to shame and your victory is nearer than before.

Action point : I choose joy

Prayer: Father help me to look on to you at all times in Jesus name.


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