
It will work for you

 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD THURSDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2024 TEXT: Romans 8:28 ‘Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ TOPIC: It will work for you No situation or circumstances can hinder God from accomplishing his purpose in your life provided you are a believer who loves God.God is always a step ahead. It is only humans that things meet unaware, nothing meets God unaware and no emergency in his dictionary .      No situation is big enough to cripple God. Whatever the situation or circumstances you may have found yourself , just trust in God that it is working for you. God is ever in charge of the universe and he knows exactly what to do in order to fix what is broken and replace it with what is better for those that love him and align with his purpose. Action point: it will work for you if you love God Prayer: Father help me to know that you are in working in that situation for my good.

Be thankful

 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD WEDNESDAY 16TH OCTOBER 2024 TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. TOPIC: Be thankful Thankfulness is a state of the heart. It is natural to thank God when things are good and rosy for you. It is unusual and very rare to show gratitude when things are bad and did not go our way. In today’s text, God demands that we should be thankful in all circumstances . When it is good, thank God and when it is bad , still thank God. Thankfulness is an attitude that should be inculcated as believers. Knowing fully that good times and what we called “bad times” cannot hinder God from accomplishing his purpose in our lives. Whatever your lot in life, choose to thank God because he knows the best for you and everything is turning around for your favour. Action point : Thank God at all times Prayer: Father help me to cultivate attitude of praising you in all circumstances in Jesus name.


 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD TUESDAY 15TH OCTOBER 2024 TEXT: Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice' TOPIC: Rejoice The word ‘Rejoice’ appeared six times in the book of Philippians. Apostle Paul was imprisoned , awaiting trial when he penned this epistle . It was categorised as one of the prison epistles and it was one of the finest epistles written. In his terrible state, he found joy in the Lord and was still hopeful that regardless of the persecution, the church will stand. Tough times will always come but tough people who have found joy in the LORD will overcome. Tough times are like wind storms with strength to throw people away from Gods presence except they are deeply rooted in Christ and determined in their minds to abide still in him. To rejoice is a choice. Choose to be happy at all times by making constant efforts to seek God at all times even when it appears that you cant even see him in the your darkest night. When you rejoice at all time

Pray without ceasing

 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD MONDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2024 TEXT: 1Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. TOPIC: Pray without ceasing Praying is a spiritual act. It is your spiritual make up. It is communication in the spirit realm. Prayer is not transactional but relational. You do not Pray because you are desperately in need or in crises. You Pray because you are connected to God and it’s an act of worship and fellowship with your creator.    Paul admonished the church in Thessalonica to nt stop praying. Their hope and trust should continually be on God regardless of happenings around then. No situation should stop you from communicating with God. Be determined in your mind that no matter what you will not stop praying. Key point: prayer is the key to access the throne of grace Prayer: Father! Help me to pray at all times in Jesus name.


 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD SUNDAY 12TH DECEMBER,2019 TEXT: Jdg 2:18  Whenever the LORD raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the LORD had compassion on them as they groaned under those who oppressed and afflicted them. TOPIC: THE COMPASSIONATE GOD God is merciful and full of compassion. If he had dealt with men according to their sins, No man would be alive by now. God himself work against the Israel nation when they chose to walk in their own idolatrous ways. In the course of their affliction, they cried to God in pains and God extended his fatherly love by saving them from the calamity that befell them. God is a consuming fire, he hates sin and usually ensure men face the consequences of their actions. His compassion will not make him abandon those that called him in their affliction. Only a father could have done that and that is who he is to his children who are saved by the precious blood of


 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD SATURDAY 11TH DECEMBER,2021 TEXT: Jdg 2: 11- 14  KEY VERSE: Jdg 2:14 In his anger against Israel the LORD handed them over to raiders who plundered them. He sold them to their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist. TOPIC: A FAILED GENERATION Teachers usually prefer a graduating class to another because they are exceptional and take their studies seriously unlike others despite putting the same efforts. Generations too differ. There are generations that deliberately choose their own paths without following the path of their fathers. It might not be their fathers did not teach them or model faith to them but they chose their own paths.     These generations are failed generations but to them they are better off. They see their father ways as archaic and not contemporary. They set their own standards and their own standards is the best. God dealt with them in their own ways, he raised an enemy against them, his hands were against them and they


 DAILY INSIGHT WITH GOD FRIDAY 10TH DECEMBER 2021 TEXT: JUDGES 2: 6-10 KEY VERSE: Jdg 2:10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. TOPIC: ANOTHER GENERATION Generation goes and generation comes. There is a generation that serve God and there is another generation that chooses to serve idols.  The generation of Joshua left, the generation he handed over to served God all their days and God was glad with them. The generation after them were referred to as another generation who saw the ways of their fathers but refused to walk in the path of their fathers. They walked in the path which seemed right in their eyes but the end of it was destruction. Will your generation serve God? Will you walk in the ways of righteousness or choose to walk in your own ways. Will you remove the ancient landmarks? Or walk in the path of lifew? The decision lies with you. Prayer: Father help me to wa